We look for ways to save your money. If your travel plans include a long visit, of 30 days or more, you're exempt from state and local taxes on your room fees.
- No forms to fill out, deduction is automatic.
- Save 12% per day, retroactively to day 1
- We also accept State Sales Tax Exemption forms for stays of shorter duration. Just provide valid form at check-in.
Local employer discounts
We offer many local employers discounts for their travelers. Please contact your Human Resources department to verify and gain access to your discount with Charwood Corporate Suites. Or call us direct at 812-378-4840 for more information.
first time visitors receive special welcome
Our neighbors are putting out the welcome wagon. As part of a tight-knit neighborhood, who welcome all visitors and value the diversity you bring, we take the opportunity to provide you with some local discounts, information, maps and more during your first visit of 5 nights or more.